1554.3 trillion ₩
2023-05-29 09:55:00

Usefull links

You could find in here a list of importants websites in the domain of cryptocurrencies


- https://coinmarketcap.com : Link to the most updated and trusted list of all cryptos.
- https://www.weusecoins.com : What is bitcoin.
- https://www.coindesk.com : General informations about coins.
- Coindesk begginer guide
- https://coinmarketcap.com : Link to the most updated and trusted list of all cryptos.
- https://bitcoin.org / https://www.bitcoin.com: The 2 most popular website about bitcoin [almost officials].
- https://www.ethereum.org/ : The official website of the Ethereum.

Exchanger / Market places

- https://www.coinbase.com : The most trusted place to buy from fiat currencies (you can buy directly with credit card or bank transfer)
- https://www.binance.com : One of the most active and famous place to buy and to trade maybe the number one today about volume [No fiat currencies : You need some crypto to start in here]
- https://www.Kraken.com : A really famous exchanger (Allowed you to inject money with bank transfer)
- https://www.Kucoin.com : A famous and modern new gen exchanger
- http://bittrex.com/ : An other trading platform
- https://www.bitfinex.com/ : An other hudge actor
- https://cex.io : An other one
- https://poloniex.com : An other big one
- https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/ : The new zealand exchanger, famous for small volumes but a lot of crypto currencies (nice to start)