96.6 trillion ₹
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : PART
- Rank : 982

Price USD : 30.8 ₹
Price BTC : 1322 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 794
- Market cap : 404.3 million Indian roupies

- Project details : Particl is a blockchain-based eCommerce platform, allowing customers and merchants to be directly connected to a peer-to-peer network with reliable privacy features. Users can buy or sell anything, similar to eBay, Etsy or Amazon, except that all the transaction data, payments, and conversations happen over a self-governed, distributed network instead of a central server. Transactions within the network are conducted in PART, the native cryptocurrency in the Particl PoS blockchain.

- Available from : 2017-07-21

TimePercentPrevious values (in INR)
Last hour-0.197%30.9 ₹
Last day-3.7648%32 ₹
Last week-14.1919%35.2 ₹