1.8 trillion $A
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : XZC
- Rank : 0

Price USD : 4.74 $A
Price BTC : 17455 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 3.4 million
- Market cap : 53.2 million Australian dollars

- Project details : Zcoin utilizes the Zerocoin protocol to provide anonymous transactions in a unique scalable way. The protocol, originally intended to be an extension of Bitcoin, allows you to send coins with no transaction history. Bitcoin records the history of every transaction on a public ledger for anyone to see. Wallet addresses are only pseudo-anonymous with the potential for people to link your identity to an address. However, with Zcoin, you can preserve the fungibility and privacy of your spending. When sending Zcoins, the process works exactly like Bitcoin, with transactions recorded in a public ledger. However, the Zerocoin protocol involves destroying your Zcoins to mint a Zerocoin. Zerocoins are new coins with no transaction history. “You can think of the Zerocoin layer as a form of coin laundry where you will put in your existing ‘dirty‘ coins (that have a long transaction history) and then redeem new ‘clean‘ coins that appear to be brand new and have no prior transaction history.” You are then able to use the Zerocoins in a spend transaction, which converts the Zerocoins back into Zcoins. With many people minting Zerocoins, it will not be obvious who the spent Zerocoins came from, thus preserving your anonymity.

- Available from : 2016-09-01

TimePercentPrevious values (in AUD)
Last hour+0.3966%4.72 $A
Last day-1.1889%4.79 $A
Last week-4.70258%4.96 $A