18450.5 trillion Rp.
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : CND
- Rank : 1019

Price USD : 33.9 Rp.
Price BTC : 8 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 10,684
- Market cap : 67.8 billion Indonesian roupies

- Project details : Cindicator creates the social and technological infrastructure needed to make effective decisions under the volatile conditions of the new economy. By combining a large number of diverse financial analysts and a set of machine-learning models into a single system, we are developing a Hybrid Intelligence infrastructure for the ecient management of investors' capital in traditional financial and crypto-markets. The benefits of Hybrid Intelligence for an ecosystem and community are: - a technological and analytical infrastructure for the ecient and safe management of investors' capital by investors themselves or licensed managers; - an opportunity for analysts to monetize their intellectual assets without risking their own funds; - tools and data for making investment decisions under the conditions of market uncertainty; - up-to-date analytics of the industry, expectations, opportunities, and market growth points; - indices and ratings of crypto-assets.

- Available from : 2017-10-14

TimePercentPrevious values (in IDR)
Last hour-2.006%34.6 Rp.
Last day-2.0614%34.6 Rp.
Last week+169.4664%-23.543582922682 Rp.