1.8 trillion $A
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : LTC
- Rank : 12

Price USD : 139 $A
Price BTC : 0.00325873

- Volume in last 24h : 453 million
- Max supply : 84 million
- Market cap : 10.1 billion Australian dollars

- Project details : Litecoin (LTC) is one of the oldest cryptocurrencies in existence after Bitcoin, having launched in October 2011. It was developed by Charlie Lee, who remains involved with the coin to this day. Litecoin is a fork of Bitcoin so shares many of the same characteristics but benefits from shorter block generation times of around 2.5 minutes, allowing transactions to clear faster. Litecoin also has lower transaction fees than Bitcoin and can be used as a digital currency on the web to pay for goods and services and to play at crypto casinos. The value of Litecoin has grown significantly, and the currency’s market cap now exceeds $2 billion. Part of Litecoin’s surge in popularity in 2017 has been attributed to the currency adopting a number of new features such as Segregated Witness and the Lightning Network, technology which allows the network to process more transactions.

- Available from : 2011-11-09

TimePercentPrevious values (in AUD)
Last hour-0.011%139 $A
Last day+1.78712%136 $A
Last week+0.200466%139 $A