1.6 trillion S$
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : VEN
- Rank : 38

Price USD : 0.0277 S$
Price BTC : 73 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 38 million
- Market cap : 2 billion Singapore dollars

- Project details : VeChain is a leading enterprise-focused dApp/blockchain application platform for products, services, and data. VeChain believes that blockchain alone can not realize much of the application scenarios on its own, that blockchain technology has to combine with other technologies to provide multipurpose use. VeChain aims to connect blockchain technology to real use cases by providing a robust infrastructure for data management and IoT solutions removing issues with counterfeiting, data fraud, data manipulation, assurance practices, and business barriers such as financial services and 3rd party trust. This is being achieved through innovation in blockchain + IoT technologies, partnerships and collaborations with branded enterprises throughout the world.

- Available from : 2017-08-23

TimePercentPrevious values (in SGD)
Last hour-0.340%0.0278 S$
Last day+1.08577%0.0274 S$
Last week+7.074484%0.0258 S$