981.7 billion Fr.
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : NANO
- Rank : 260

Price USD : 0.61 Fr.
Price BTC : 2575 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 709,245
- Max supply : 133.2 million
- Market cap : 81.3 million Swiss francs

- Project details : Launched in 2015 by Colin LeMahieu as RaiBlocks, Nano is a low-latency payment platform that requires minimal resources; making Nano ideal for peer-to-peer transactions. INSTANT TRANSACTIONS Nano transactions happen immediately, so it's a currency you can use every day for purchases large or small. ZERO FEES Pay for the purchase, not the privilege – zero fees on whatever you buy, from bus ticket to business class flight. INFINITY SCALABLE Nano can process over 1000x more transactions per second than Bitcoin, so you'll never get stuck in a queue. EACH ACCOUNT HAS THEIR OWN BLOCKCHAIN With Nano, each account has their own blockchain as part of a larger directed acyclic graph. Each individual user provides the computational power for the verification of their own transactions, meaning entire network is not required to update the overall ledger together in massive blocks. WALLETS PRE-CACHE THE ANTI-SPAM PROOF-OF-WORK Wallets pre-cache the anti-spam Proof of Work for the next transaction once a transaction is sent, making transactions instantaneous, as both sides have the proof of work ready to go. RUNNING A NODE COSTS NEXT TO NOTHING Because the protocol is incredibly lightweight and running a node costs next to nothing, Nano’s transactions are processed with no fees. One transaction fits within a single UDP packet, and transactions are handled independently, eliminating any block size issue.

- Available from : 2015-10-04

TimePercentPrevious values (in CHF)
Last hour-0.253%0.612 Fr.
Last day+0.35937%0.608 Fr.
Last week+1.203466%0.603 Fr.