1.2 trillion $
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : RDD
- Rank : 0

Price USD : 0.000919 $
Price BTC : 9 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 79,104
- Market cap : 26.5 million

- Project details : ReddCoin is trying to jump on the tipping bandwagon by making itself the social network donation go to default. A Scrypt coin with a 60 second block time and block retargeting using Kimoto's gravity well. The coin also includes a 5% annual inflation after the 27.5 billion have been mined by PoW. Alongside Reddcoin includes an innovative proof of stake velocity algorithm.

- Available from : 2014-02-02

TimePercentPrevious values (in USD)
Last hour+4.7255%0.000875 $
Last day+3.77984%0.000884 $
Last week-29.1614%0.00119 $