1.2 trillion $
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : ETN
- Rank : 439

Price USD : 0.00222 $
Price BTC : 8 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 759,625
- Max supply : 21 billion
- Market cap : 39.8 million

- Project details : Electroneum has been designed and built to give ordinary, non-technical users a chance to obtain and enjoy a cryptocurrency. They have developed an iOS and Android app that not only contains easy wallet functions but also allows a mining experience to let anybody get into; cryptocurrency within minutes of downloading a free app. Their blockchain has been specifically chosen and modified to limit the ability of ASIC and GPU miners, allowing the 2 billion + smartphone users to run the blockchain.

- Available from : 2017-10-31

TimePercentPrevious values (in USD)
Last hour-0.392%0.00223 $
Last day+2.18396%0.00217 $
Last week-3.97087%0.00231 $

Last 1668 days chart

See the Electroneum last hours chart