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Coin coin !
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The first 100 members get 20 free alerts * !
Still available for 28 futurs members
* Available for lifelong (still the website working !)

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Discover the tools

The most asked questions

Coinpanion it's a full free services platform who give you access to differents tools to manage your crypto assets. This service is eligible (for individual or company) to anyone who wants to follow some or differents crypto-currencies, compare token fiat currencies or other digital money, check is own wallet and visualize the repartition in your possession, or follow other interesting coins, check the best timing to process or understand little bit more one money,..
You can also find a profile for each crypto-currencies to understand learn and analyze in depth, the specific market (website, white paper, social medias, and much more are given when we have access to those datas). We try to collect every data, statistics at clear and fresh as possible, but the accuracy of the specifics datas will also depend of the activity of our futurs members.
=> Every bug, error data, upgrade or evolution content, will be rewards to users (by some more actives alerts).

Future tools

Details of the 3 crypto tools

For the moment we provide 3 differents free tools.

icon tool alertor- Alertor give you the possibilities to receive free notifications (only by mail for the moment) of one or several cryptocurrencies on some fixed limit (by yourself). The differents limits are reach by increase or decrease, and could be fixed in term of (Percents / Dollars / BTC or Satoshis). All 5 min all the actives alerts are check to give you a feedback in case or this one are reach. All the value are today based on crypto market cap currencies and depend of the world wide average market.
icon tool walletor- Walletor give you the amount of your portfolio asset in BTC / and dollars (or other fiat currencies euros, pound, australian dollars, japan yens...). Either in the unconnected mode to fill your new asset or group of assets (and stay anonymous, without any datacollect by our side). Or with the connected mode by saving your amount in our database to find it back faster at the next connection. Some graphical vizualisation are coming for this tools.. (do not hesitate to give us your impressions and ideas for the next steps)
icon tool calculator- Calculator like is name said it's an application to visualize at the real time how many coin you could have with an other one. It's an other perfect tool to check, understand, and watchfullness the current market, with an unique and specific, point of view. (Sample : I want to exchange 100 XRP to LTC i can come to this page to check the rate to enjoy the best timing to process)
Coinpanion give you tools and a model of thinking to reach your goal with less time and constraint.

Walletor overview

We will see in here the basics function of Walletor


The global interface of your walletor (when you already input some crypto assets) !
Look like that :
screenshot walletor

What those values ? Details of the user interface
Detail walletor interface

Add a new crypto value

How to add a new token / crypto in your wallet :
Step 1 : Write your coin to add !
walletor add cryptocurrencies step 1

Step 2 : Type the amount you want to add !
walletor add cryptocurrencies step 2

Update a crypto value

Update an amount of crypto assets (in this exemple we bought, 0.5 Ethereum and we will see how to change 1ETH TO 1.5ETH on walletor)
Step 1 : Find the button edit on the box of the coin you want to update. Then click on : " Edit" walletor update your token amount step 1

Step 2 : Type the amount you want to update !
walletor update your token step 2

Change the Fiat currency reference

You can change the fiat currency reference on the top
walletor fiat currency reference

In this exemple we click on "Euros" so all the value are exchange in Euro (the fiat currency reference is now based in euro)
The graphic divided amount is now also in Euro walletor fiat currency euros

Visualization of the percent change

Click on the middle button "Change color to percent"
walletor change color to percent

This visualization give you an instant view of your crypto asset change (based on the weekly movement)
Ps : Sorry middle june 2018 was a bloody week ! walletor demo color percent

Yes ! This tool is totally free.
How that's possible ?

We rely on win-win relationships situations between us and or actives users.
We believe that users should agree to participate in the financial development of our tools with some donations (depending of the budget of anyone).
If you make some profits with one or several tools, we hope for your donation. The tools could not survive many years without any donations.
No amount will be asked to you, but we love your generosity and you could be reward for it !

Donation here

- Send your transaction details, to us via the contact page to be reward (more active alert / we are thinking to develop a private premium platform with more tools and functionalities) !

On the other hand to keep a platform free of advertised, and fresh and balanced of the real datas, we not accept for the moment any sponsoring but dont hesitate to contact us.

Waletor Alertor Calculator

Depend your needs and the tool you would like to use ! To use 'Waletor' and 'calculator', you not necesserly need an account.

=> To use Calculator

No ! You not need any account to use calculator. The tool are totally same in the connected and unconnected environment.

=> To use Alertor

Yes ! You need an account to manage and use alertor. Why ?
1. We need to know your mail address to delivery your alert.
2. For the moment we have to limit this tool to a limited access.*

=> To use Waletor

The particular case of this tools works in both conditions, with an account or without account.
But the possibilities are differents :


Yes you need an account to save your values and get it back when you will connect again.
When you are connected to your free account, and you are using Waletor, we only save your amount of token in our database, linked to your profile **


Not necessarily ! When you are unconnected, and you are using the waletor tool, we only temporary saved your amount of crypto in php Session, but those will be destroyat the end of your session, and nothing will be saved in our database **

* An amount of alert will be given to you. This amount depend of your registery period in database. This action requires a certain server resources ! We can not currently guarantee the resource beyond a certain number of alerts per user account. We could offer a amounts of alert but the power need to process the alert are limited.
** To know more about our technical model, and our policy thank you to refer to the privacy policies.

Your own risk

The great variation of values of crypto currencies (because of the novelty of the market is still not stabilize and in perpetual movement), and that show how the high volatility and the high risk today. All the risk are in your own responsability and we not recommand to invest some money without experts advices. We advice to invest only the amount of money you are willing to lose.
You are the only one responsible for your investments, when you use our tools you have to read our disclaimer, to be agree with our privacy policies and terms of use.

No guarantee

All the data depend of our partners, and all the services are free, we cannot guarentee any services or any results. We strive to make the platform works, and we are open of the evolution of the coinpanion tools !
For the moment 100% of our production tests, based on the cryptomarket cap api are real and in process, saved in our database almost in real time (5 min delay).
100% of our mails was send without error, on the boundary crossing.
Thank you to contact us for any troubles or dysfunction of any tool spotted.

Do you have a question ?
You can directly contact us !

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